Explore Northwest Airlines and its Family Tree Airlines, from their hardscrabble beginnings to the kinder, gentler, golden days of passenger flight; complete with unforgettable characters and events. Please comment and contribute!
Anne Kerr, author of Fujiyama Trays and Oshibori Towels, winner of the 2009 Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Writer’s Award, has added 56 pages and 83 photos to the original book. The Second Edition, published in May, 2015, chronicles her experiences as a Northwest Orient Airlines stewardess in the 1950s and more recently as a speaker, blogger and NWA History Centre volunteer. 131 photos. 183 pages.
Limited copies available. Please contact info@westbrockdesign.com for more information.
Come Along for the Ride
as Lady Skywriter unearths stories and photographs of these fabled airlines and the people who made them great. Please help keep them alive by sharing recollections of your experiences working for, or traveling on, Northwest Airlines and its Family Tree Airlines. Go ahead . . . click on the white cloud above to share your stories with us.